You’re not who you say you are, or even who you want to be. Your true identity is the impact you make on the world around you.

If you see yourself making a bigger impression, changing the game in your space, making a real difference and co-creating the universe – please read this message from iconic thought leader Randy Gage
So who are you really? And what is the legacy you will leave on this world?
If you’re a thought leader, speaker, author, coach, consultant, information entrepreneur, political figure, or lead a non-profit – and you want to become a real agent of change – then it’s important that you reach the people who need to hear your message.
You need to define who you are and what you offer. Attract your unique tribe and then interact with them. Discover ways to amplify your message and expand the tribe. Create platforms to deliver that message. And then monetize your practice, so you are able to sustain progress and create a lasting effect.
It’s not enough to write a great book. People need to read it.
It’s not enough to craft a moving speech. People need to hear it.
It’s not enough to change the game. People have to want to become a part of what you’re doing.
If your business is not growing right now, something is desperately wrong. If you can’t grow your biz during a worldwide pandemic and depression, when anxiety levels are high, when emotional and financial security is low – what value are you actually providing?
If you know that you’re meant to have a bigger impact, if you’re ready to release playing small, ready to step into your greatness, this will be the most important message you read all year. Really.
If you see yourself making a bigger impression, changing the game in your space, making a real difference and co-creating the universe – there is a very, very, very special event – designed specifically for people like you. I have spent years putting it together. Actually, it’s the culmination of all my life’s work…
It’s all about impact and influence – how you can make a real and lasting difference in the world.
It’s intense. Boot Camp intense. Not for the timid or fearful. Not for people who talk a good game, but never advance boldly toward their dreams.
This event is for you if you’ve ever wanted to:
Write the seminal book in
your industry
Change the game in
your space
Become a speaker
Create audio and video learning resources
Be a sought-after consultant
Build an online learning platform
Become a rockstart influencer
Be the definitive expert in your industry
Start a membership website
Be elected to a political office
Create a powerful coaching program
Change the world!
It’s called TRIBAL. And there has never been an event anything like it. This is the most intense, content-packed event on developing influence that has ever been presented. Seriously.


- Imagine being on stage, with thousands of people chanting your name, fixated on your every word. You gaze out at the arena with power, confidence, and elation – knowing that the very words you are speaking are transforming the lives of those listening.
- Imagine waking up to an email from your publisher, advising you that your latest book has debuted on the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Publishers Weekly and USA Today bestseller lists. Knowing that what you have written is going to make an impact.
- Imagine being regarded as the definitive expert in your field. The author of the seminal book in the space, consulting to the benchmark companies in your industry, helping them get even better.
- Imagine jetting off to Hawaii, Tahiti, or Fiji, to conduct a Retreat for your high-level coaching clients. Enjoying the prosperity you’ve worked so hard for, yet still making a difference for your tribe. Or imagine staying home, but streaming a video seminar, reaching out to thousands of people around the world.
- Imagine building a practice so that even when you’re relaxing and spending quality time with your loved ones, your website is raking in orders 24/7 from around the globe, getting your work out to the people who need it.
- Imagine that this is not imagination, but it is your actual career. I know because that is my career. And it can become yours, if you desire it.

Thought Leader
Social Media Influencer
Non-Profit Director
Political Leader
Information Entrepreneur
This is the must-attend event for you.
Authors tell me all the time, “I just want to write and let the publisher sell the books.” Sorry, publishers don’t have a fucking clue how to sell books. That’s why 98% of all the books they publish lose money. Think of publishers as printers, and bookstores and Amazon as warehouses. If you want your book to sell, you need to be creating the kind of content that lets the world know why they should be reading your book.
Same thing with professional speakers. They tell me things like, “I just want to be on the platform, doing my thing and have someone else get bookings for me.” Sorry, that dog don’t hunt. If you’re a speaker (or coach, or consultant), you are the product and no one in the world will be able to better present what you have to offer than you.
Don’t get me wrong: You don’t have to be making cold calls, chasing after prospects, or begging for business. But you need to learn how to get your work in the public eye, produce real value content, build a tribe, and create a steady stream of candidates, looking into your product funnel. Then you need to have websites, landing pages, mobile apps, catalogs, and lots of easy, seamless ways that people who like your work can spend money with you.
If you believe you can simply lock yourself in your study creating content, waiting for the world to discover you, you shouldn’t attend TRIBAL. It’s not for you. But if you’re coachable, willing to work, and want to be a co-creator in making a bigger impact, then TRIBAL is exactly what you’ve been waiting for your entire career.
If you’re wondering if you should be at TRIBAL, ask yourself two very simple, but very profound, questions.
- How many lives are you changing?
- What legacy will you leave behind?
I ask, because at some point (if it hasn’t already), those will be the questions that matter most to you. You won’t be counting the bookings on the calendar, what number you hit on the New York Times list, or how many Twitter followers you have. Your most important consideration each day will become, “Am I making a real difference?”
But here’s the funny thing…
If you’re not bringing in at least a million or two dollars a year in your business – you’re probably not really making an impact.
And I’m sorry if that offends you. I’m just being real. Please allow me to explain why we’re using money as a measuring stick. Because that’s really all it is. Here’s why…
If you’re producing podcasts, posting YouTube videos and/or writing blogs but not really getting any traction, you’re probably struggling to get by. Maybe even working a day job to fund your work. How many people are you really reaching?
If you’re speaking 60 or 80 times a year, but you’re doing it for a fee less than $5,000 – you’re not in a position of great influence. You’re probably doing a lot of rubber chicken luncheons where the speaker is an afterthought, and mostly in front of small crowds in breakout rooms. You’re briefly in a few people’s consciousness, then you move on to the next program, and they go on with their life.
If you are writing amazing books, but they’re not bestsellers and don’t stay in print, they’re the tree falling in the forest that no one hears.
If you’re really making an impact:
- You’re speaking regularly at high fees, in front of large audiences (in person and livestreaming);
- Conferences and conventions are built around your appearance;
- You are a trusted advisor or consultant with the benchmark companies in your area of expertise;
- Reporters and producers are regularly calling for your opinion on current events;
- You’re connecting with your tribe, helping them achieve their goals, dreams and aspirations; and
- You are touching thousands or even millions of people on a daily basis, through social media, your website, and learning resources.
When you give value, you are rewarded in multiples of that. Do the arithmetic. If you are really making a difference as a speaker, author, coach, consultant, turnaround expert, thought leader, etc. – that translates into at least a million dollars a year in revenues. That’s just the way the universe works.
I don’t say that to be judgmental or insulting or mean to belittle the fact that you can help people even if you’re speaking for free to an audience of ten. You can.
What I’m saying is that when you’re bringing in large revenues, it tells you that you’ve created a big enough platform to truly make a difference to a lot of people – and you’re doing it from a position of authority and credibility. And making that difference, creating that change – has to be the compelling, consuming, and all-encompassing reason you do the work you do. Full stop.
You have to know that what you do makes a difference. You must believe that your message has to get out, or you’ll explode. If that’s you, then TRIBAL is for you.

The ironic thing of all this of course, is that if you’re like me, you’d probably do it all for free.
But because of the way the laws of prosperity work, you end up making millions of dollars. You’ll get the prime spots on convention programs, repeat bookings soar, you spin off meaty consulting projects, and develop a library of books, videos, audios and other resources that generate passive residual income 24/7.
If you’re not there yet, but believe you should be, then TRIBAL is your opportunity to learn how to build a multi-million-dollar practice and influence millions around the world.
You’ll learn more in four days than you could gather in ten years trying to figure it out for yourself. You’ll understand how to attract a tribe, connect with them, and then galvanize them into real action. Then you’ll discover how to develop that relationship in a way that empowers them – and allows you to be financially rewarded. Because if you’re not successful, you can’t help anyone else.
If all this sounds like the kind of impact you want to make, I look forward to working with you at TRIBAL ’23. We’re going to do amazing things together!
– Randy Gage
Five Days of Fierce, Furious, Ferocious Learning!
There has never been an event that has created more impact for the attendees than TRIBAL. Really. It’s five solid days, with each one averaging 12 or 13 hours each. Take a look below at the session topics to see what you will learn:
- Orientation: Build a Practice not a Product
- Defining and Attracting Your Tribe
- Positioning and Branding
- Thought Leadership vs. Expertise
- Developing Intellectual Property (IP)
- Creating Your Online Presence
- Podcasting, Vlogging, and Blogging
- Developing Physical & Digital Products
- Product Marketing
- How to Become a Social Media Superstar
- Crafting Keynote Speeches and Seminars
- Marketing Speeches, Seminars (live and online)
- How to Rock the Platform
- Developing a Consulting Practice
- Building a Coaching Community
- The Copywriting Lab
- Developing a Bestselling Book
- Working Internationally
- Business Logistics
- Hot Seats
- Your Action Plan
As you can see by the topics above, this is the most information-dense, highly interactive, total immersion, practical application training event ever presented for agents of change and influencers. It’s worth double clicking on two of the sessions listed above. First, let’s look deeper at the copywriting lab…
Copywriting Lab
People in the know regard Randy as one of the best copywriters on earth. And he realizes that every marketing piece you have – landing pages, social media posts, website, email promos, everything – will live or die on the strength of the copy writing. So you will participate in a “Copywriting Laboratory” during the TRIBAL event.
In this lab, you will actually write a sales letter and website copy for products or services you develop at the event. (Or already have.) Randy will teach you the best practices of writing killer copy that moves people to action. You’ll learn creating copywriting strategies, the 7 key selling components, and the 7 most effective lead to open your sales copy.
Randy can teach anyone to write compelling copy and everyone in the lab will have finished copy to take home with them. Even if English is not your native language, by the end of the lab Randy will have you writing kickass copy that produces sales. Really.
Hot Seats
Now let’s dig deeper into the “Hot Seats.” Almost all main topic sessions will be immediately followed with a Hot Seat. In these audience favorite sessions, one volunteer is selected and brought on stage. Randy will then use them as a teaching example for the room, helping them actually implement what they just learned, while everyone watches.
Being selected for a Hot Seat is a powerful learning experience for you. However, you may find you learn more from this segment if you are not selected. It’s just human nature to be defensive. When you’re in the audience watching the critiques of others, you can separate from your defenses and emotions – and more rationally extrapolate how you can apply the strategies discussed in your own situation.
Some examples of these critiques you can expect at TRIBAL are book concepts, website design, social media channels, blogs, speech topics, product titles, and coaching programs. (So if you want to be selected for a Hot Seat, please come prepared with any necessary collateral materials.)
In every single previous program Randy has conducted, the attendees ranked the Hot Seats as the top sessions, for seeing how to implement the teaching into their own business.
But please understand that while Randy is a true mad genius, he has the social skills of an eggplant…
Sometimes he gets so caught up in the excitement of the concept he is creating, he forgets the social niceties and decorum. And he swears like a drunken sailor. So if you don’t have rock-solid self-esteem, or you’re easily offended, please don’t volunteer for one of these!
Also important to note: Randy is flying in a complete team of audio and video technicians. So not only will the entire event be streamed live as it happens, but you will receive access to the members’ only site to review your Hot Seat and all the other sessions at any time.
When, Where, and How…
July 24th-28th, 2023
Orlando, Florida
As you’ve probably deduced by now, this isn’t a keynote speech or even a concentrated seminar. It is a four-day Boot Camp covering the most critical information, systems, and processes you need to expand your influence and make a bigger dent in the universe. It will be demanding and intense. We’ll start each day at 9 am (or earlier if we get behind schedule) and go until late each night.
TRIBAL will be held in Orlando, Florida. More details about the hotel will be provided when you register.
You will need to arrive in Orlando on Sunday, July 23 and schedule your departure on Saturday the 29th. Don’t book flights out on Thursday or you will miss many hours of extremely critical content.
The tropical energy is great for brainstorming. We suggest if you want to spend some extra time, book a few days after the event, rather than before. You can decompress and use the creative energy you created to work on any follow up projects like book concepts, keynote speeches, or copywriting. The best airport to fly into is Orlando International Airport (MCO). Now you’re probably wondering…
What’s the Investment
It doesn’t matter. Really. It really doesn’t matter if the price to attend is $10,000, $25,000, or even $100,000. Seriously. Because there are two very mitigating variables that come in to play here:
1. Randy is willing to finance the majority of the tuition for you, so you can pay him from the extra proceeds you produce from what you learned at the event. And,
2. It comes with a serious-as-a-heart-attack $1 million guarantee.
The kind of information you will learn at TRIBAL is priceless. It’s impossible to calculate the upside potential, but if you’re the kind of person who is coachable and follows through, it can be in the millions of dollars. But in any event, it still comes down to giving you a number.
Randy is usually speaking to convention halls with thousands in the audience, so he relishes the opportunity to do smaller groups with serious interaction like this. He’ll be the first to tell you that TRIBAL event is his highlight of every year because of the creative high conducting it is and the breakthrough projects he gets to be a part of. (Talk to past attendees and you’ll understand what this really means.) We’ve worked hard on this decision to make it workable for the caliber of people we want in the room, yet filter out the posers, tourists, and tire kickers. Finally, it’s important that the group is a suitable size for great networking, and powerful collaboration, but not too large for Hot Seats and other participant interactions. Taking all those factors into account, we’ve set the investment price at $10,000 per person.
Your investment includes:
- Attending the entire event
- The workbook and other handouts
- Continental breakfasts
- Morning and afternoon refreshments
- Networking luncheons
- One-year membership into Randy’s Breakthrough U Coaching program
This is an extraordinary bargain for you. Simply the networking alone with the players you’ll find at TRIBAL would be worth the investment. The workbook will keep providing value to you for years. It includes samples of Randy’s contracts, sales letters, key contacts from his rolodex, sponsorship models, YouTube template, copywriting lessons, and the key points from every session. This is a priceless treasure trove of authentic case studies, marketing materials and templates you’ll be using for many years to come. The workbook by itself would be worth thousands of dollars.
You have exclusive access to the members only site, where audio and video of all segments are available to replay anytime 24/7.
And your complimentary membership in Randy’s Breakthrough U Coaching program will help you implement everything you learn at TRIBAL and provide ongoing guidance on how to best apply it. This program includes a monthly brief and a live, interactive monthly webinar with Randy, so you have the opportunity for Q&A and other feedback. And you’ll also receive four “electronic Hot Seats” for personal consultation with Randy. That’s a complete year of personal coaching after the event, to help you achieve the maximum results. (You are responsible for your own dinners, hotel, and travel.)
The $1 Million Dollar Guarantee…
Come to TRIBAL and experience the first day and a half. Participate for all of Monday and till the dinner break on Tuesday. If those initial sessions don’t convince you that staying through the whole program will add at least $1,000,000 to your sales within two years, let the staff know you are leaving. Keep your workbook and other materials. If you aren’t absolutely confident that the training will earn you an extra $1 million dollars – Randy won’t accept your money.
It’s a simple equation. Invest $10,000 plus your expenses to get there, to learn how to leverage it into at least a cool million. If you don’t see it happening, get your refund and go home. There’s no catch, hidden rules, or fine print. The decision is yours and yours alone.

If cash flow is an issue, Randy is willing to finance the program over a year. That gives you a chance to immediately apply what you learn and use your additional revenues to pay for the course.
Any Discounts?
If you are a member of Randy’s Breakthrough U program, or you are a previous attendee at one of his past Boot Camps or Speakers Institutes, you can attend for half price.
As we mentioned, the networking at an event like this is highly beneficial. For that reason, we’re extending a few other discounts, to heighten the caliber of attendees at the live event…
If you are a member of the CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame, or you have authored a book that has reached the top 25 on the New York Times bestseller list, you also can attend for half price. Those are the only discounts available and you must be able to show you qualify.
Scholarship Program…
To help the next generation of agents of change, Randy is offering two scholarships for TRIBAL. To qualify, you must be 25 years of age, or younger. To apply, please email Lornette (@) randygage.com, a Word document of 800 words or less – and tell us what good you would do with what you will learn at TRIBAL. If selected, you’ll receive full attendance, breakfast, refreshments and lunches, handouts and workbook. You’ll be responsible for your dinners, hotel and any travel. These scholarships are awarded solely at Randy’s discretion. He will choose the people he believes will make the best impact on the planet with what he teaches them.
If you’re ready to make a bigger impact on the world, then TRIBAL ‘23 is where you need to be. It will challenge you, exhaust you, and perhaps even frighten you a little. But when you walk out after those four days – you’ll leave a better communicator, influencer, and leader – and be armed to put a dent in the universe. Lock in your spot now.

P.S. Remember that because of the Hot Seats and attendee interaction, attendance is severely limited. Three quarters of the slots are already filled by previous attendees who return every year. Lock in your spot while there are still some available.
Check out the thoughts from some of the high-level achievers that have worked with Randy and attended his earlier Institutes and Boot Camps
“I attended TRIBAL as I wanted to work on my keynote, IP, and sales copy. I am walking out with a sales letter I can immediately use to generate leads and sales and a huge ‘ah-ha’ for my keynote. I also have some ideas on starting to create my IP. It was beneficial to see how IP and book content is created by watching and participating in Randy’s Hot Seats. Well worth the investment – and I’ll see you next year!”
“TRIBAL over delivered. It is worth far more than the investment made.“
I couldn’t be happier with my first TRIBAL experience. I met amazing people who inspired me, encouraged me, and made me laugh out loud at least 10 times each day. Randy challenged me to think bigger & helped me create some amazing marketing copy, to kick start my first book, AND my new coaching program, which – BTW – are two huge concepts born and developed at TRIBAL.
I am obsessed with Randy & his brilliant, funny, and sarcastic way of sharing his knowledge and I am so thankful (to myself) that I took advantage of this opportunity.
So pleased I came over from London for this incredible brain food. Not sure WTF happened at the Copywriting Lab, but don’t let Randy know that he did a whole 10k course that evening alone!
Flew into Tribal from San Francisco. As a veteran of the speaking and coaching industry, I’ve never attended a program as profound as Randy’s TRIBAL Event. With what I learned in just the first two days, I can create a $10-million dollar speaking empire. My copywriting abilities reached expert status in four days. Thanks Randy!
The network inside TRIBAL is definitely worth the time. There are people in different industries, with tons of experience, knowledge, and life stories that you don’t find easily.
Businesses are the people that can form them, and businesses grow because of the people behind them. For just that reason, TRIBAL was worth it for me. However, on top of the network, you learn valuable skills and info that you can directly turn into cash, so I am definitely looking forward to the next event.
I never thought that I could create a powerful sales letter, but Randy proved me wrong. It is possible. But more importantly, everyone needs a bigger window of opportunity, and Randy shows you how to do that.
My Get-Done list for TRIBAL was:
Clear & Precise book concept – Done
Cash Flow opportunities – Done
Create sales letter – Done
Define my coaching programs – Done
Learn to write kick-ass copywriting – Done
Got professional, high-end feedback – Done
Two days “stacked” with priceless information to take your brand and product so that it becomes a medium of impact, influence, and residual income.
Surrounded myself with successful and like-minded people, led by a monster Jedi called Randy Gage. It was time, money and effort well spent. Loved every minute. Will be there in 2019 to share the results created this year!
TRIBAL was life-changing. It adds some zeroes to your bank account. I was already a speaker and author, thought I had it solved, but this event showed me the way to become the #1 expert in my space. I will be always grateful to Randy and the Tribe!
I have attended so many trainings where every single trainer promises you that you will have super powers after you attend their event. And even when some of them were very good, I have never experienced what I experienced at TRIBAL. This event is definitely a ‘before & after’ in my life. I have never received so much value for my money in any training I’ve taken before. Randy was straightforward, practical and hands on, making me understand in four days what I’ve been trying to understand in ten years.
I’m am beyond thrilled that I joined Tribal 2020. I have had so many breakthroughs, too many to count. Randy has a unique gift in helping you articulate and bring your vision to life. He is a gift that keeps on giving.
Randy-Wan, this event was something so mind-blowing that you have the right to throw me off the 10th floor in Las Vegas next year if I don’t come there with at least three new products. I’m pretty sure what you did to my brain in these four past days isn’t legal, but if you keep doing it you’re literally gonna transform me into the female terminator. So keep doing it…all my respect master…all my respect.
If you are tired of basic, unspecific, and bullshit approaches to sales, coaching programs and writing a kickass copy, then you’ll find TRIBAL one of those mind-blowing events that won’t let you sleep at night. I have never, ever got this many bulletproof ideas how to monetize my work…ever.
Randy challenges you to think about things you have never thought of before and what’s even more important…he shows you that there is a way to succeed in any industry at any age if you’re pushing yourself over the edge of what you think it’s possible. I’ve never thought of myself as a book author, world-class coach and a badass boss girl. But now I know I can do it and that I have all the tools.
I’ve been creating sales letters and sales videos for almost eight years now. I bought every course and went to every seminar I could get my hands on, to learn the ‘behind the scenes’ copy tricks, hooks, and overall flow of a high converting sales letters. I subscribed to every single list any marketer had out there. I spent hours, days, weeks deconstructing their copy and analyzing it to further my knowledge.
After three years, I got really good at it and made hundreds of thousands of dollars out of all that learning, and having tons of trial and error. Now, today, at TRIBAL, we started the process with Randy to learn how to create good copy for sales letters. He said ‘By the end of this session, you will be experts on creating sales letters and you will make tons of money with that skill.’
I must admit I said to myself, ‘It took me three years to get proficient in this sport. Ok, It was without guidance, without knowing what was right or wrong, but still… I think, maybe, I could have done it faster, like in one year with a proper mentor… But three hours? Mmmmm, C’mon.’
Well, he fucking did it. Like, really did it. The way and order Randy conducted the exercises, warmed up our writing with proper stages, corrected our path on the spot, suggested some clever but crucial things individually and continued with different exercises to get us sharper…. WORKED!
There are people in this event who had NEVER even came close to writing a single sentence of copy for a sales anything. It was amazing. Three hours later, everybody, every single one of us had a killer sales letter. I mean, KILLER!!!
Damn, I’ve seen a million of those, but the ones I heard today, were top notch, professional stuff. Stuff I would like to analyze, and learn from. It took me three years! And this guy managed to get the best of everybody in three fucking hours. Three!!!!! If tomorrow’s session, we just sit there and watch movies to relax, it will be fine. This event already blew my mind beyond expectation…
This is the first event in my life (and I’ve been to a looooot), where I have to run to the bathroom and run back, to avoid missing something! Like, literally, running! Actually I ran so fast back, that I slammed with Brandon… He was running out! #TribalEvent … Bladder killer!!!

Who’s This Guy?
If you’re just now finding out about Randy Gage, where have you been! Randy’s made millions of dollars as a speaker, coach, author and consultant. He has reached the preeminent level of positioning and success in his market niches. And he has personally coached some of the highest achievers in those professions to hone their message, connect with their own tribes and create lucrative streams of monetization.
These days, Randy’s all about making a difference. A guy who has moved from success to significance. He is driven by a mission to help other people of influence make a bigger difference and he’s uniquely qualified, probably better than anyone else on earth, to lead TRIBAL. Randy doesn’t do book reports or abstract theories. At the event he’ll reveal his real-world examples and case studies of exactly how he has achieved his extraordinary results. When he’s not prowling the podium or locked in his lonely writer’s garret, you’ll probably find him reading, binging on Sci-Fi, or playing 3rd base for a softball team somewhere.
+1 (305) 573-2994 + 1 (786) 498-3344
“Randy Gage” is a Registered Trademark (TM) and property of Randy Gage and The Prosperity Factory Inc.
© MMXXII Prosperity Factory, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Site by Prime Concepts Group