Count me in! I want to experience TRIBAL ’23!
Please reserve my spot for Monday July 24th – Friday 28th, 2023 in Orlando
(Arrive by Sunday, July 23rd and depart Saturday, July 29th)
I understand that if by 5 pm on day two of the event, I am not satisfied for any reason – I will notify the event staff I am leaving and receive a complete refund. I can keep the workbook and any handouts I receive. I and I alone am the judge of satisfaction.
I will be attending and want the pre-payment discount. Please charge my card $10,000.
I am bringing my spouse/associate. Please charge my card $13,000.
Please charge my credit card a deposit of only US$1,000 to reserve my space. Then charge my card US$800 a month for 12 months. (For a total of $10,600.)
I am bringing an associate with me! Please charge my credit card a deposit of only US$1,500 to reserve our spaces. Then charge my card US$1,000 a month for 12 months. (For a total of $13,500.)
+1 (305) 573-2994 + 1 (786) 498-3344